Saturday, November 10, 2007

Our Princess Is Home

Samantha got the all clear from the Dr yesterday at around noon so her and David are now at home!! YIPPEE!!!! She still has a bit of diarrhoea, and still not eating very much but she has re hydrated and looking much better. I have to say I was worried about my little girl ,it is a huge relief to have her home again! She didn't react the way we thought she would when she got home...we thought she would be happy to see Spencer and mummy but no all she wanted was dad! Made me cry and upset Spen, every time we went near her she would cry and scream. But I thought about it and spoke to David and we can understand now, everyone who came near her in the hospital poked and prodded her except daddy and she hadn't seen us for 2 days so I fully understand her reaction now. This morning, after a 12 hour sleep she is happy with us all and a lot brighter! We just have to get her to start eating a bit more and keep her fluids up as much as possible.

Her is photo of Missy in hospital the day before she came home, so she actually doesn't look to bad here....


Papoosue said...

Hi pauline, I am SO glad that Sam is home again and on the mend. What a relief for you. xx

campbellgirl said...

Poor little angel, must have been hard on her (and you).I'm glad Sam's home again, and I hope she gets back to being a little rascal very soon. xox