My brother-in-law Andrew finally married his girlfriend, Ashley on July 10 near Sydney. Woo hoo, love a good wedding. Some of us had been trying for months ( and I mean MONTHS!!) to try and help Ashley (the bride) plan a wedding, to no avail! She wanted to lose weight first, then couldn't pick a date, doesn't like dresses, didn't want white, didn't want big wedding. Well she ended up going to Sydney (they live near Melbourne around the corner from us) to stay with her mum, and her mum planned the wedding, and paid for most of it, in about 2 months flat! Remember the not wanting big, white wedding, this is what they ended up with...
Mr & Mrs Spinks with daughter Skye
Wedding party
Cake table
Andrew & Ashley with my husband David, Andrew's brother.
There's nothing like a small wedding!!! lol
Me (looking pregnant! Hate this shot!), David, Spen & Samantha.
Sam doesn't look happy it was about 8.30pm and she was very tired. About 20 mins after this shot she was asleep in arms.
It was a lovely day, long, but lovely.